Local non-profits provide the bridge between our inspiration and our impact. We are proud to partner with these organizations who share our vision to build a happy and healthy community.

    Physical Health

  • Any Baby Can of San Antonio

    Specialty Health Care

    The mission of Any Baby Can is to serve families with children and youth facing serious health or developmental challenges. Services offed include: Case Management, Information/Referrals, Crisis Financial Assistance, Autism Support Services, Prescription Services, Center for Infant and Child Loss, Health/Wellness, Sibling Support.

  • Bulverde-Spring Branch EMS

    Health ClinicEmergency Services

    Along with emergency medical services, the Bulverde-Spring Branch EMS offers several programs to increase the health of the community. Bulverde-Spring Branch EMS provides training for healthcare professionals through the Centre for Emergency Health Sciences, access to preventive health services through the Community Health Program, the Wellness on Wheels mobile clinic, and J-Crew, a youth education program.

  • Callen Hughes Foundation

    Disability SupportRecreation

    The Callen Hugh’s Foundation is dedicated to helping children with cognitive and/or physical disabilities to have the opportunity to have fun in a recreational environment.  The Foundation is working towards the development of an all-abilities park.

  • Canyon Lake Fire/EMS

    Emergency Services

    Canyon Lake Fire / EMS exists to preserve and protect life and property in a safe and professional manner that enhances the quality of living for the Canyon Lake community and its guests.

  • CentroMed

    Dental CareHealth Clinic

    CentroMed is an integrated primary care clinic that provides accessible services of superior quality. CentroMed offers pediatric, family medicine, and dental care in New Braunfels for low-income/uninsured residents.

  • Community Action of Central TX

    Specialty Health Care

    Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas mission is to develop opportunities for people and communities to realize their potential by providing resources and comprehensive services to empower Central Texans of all ages to become self-sufficient. Community Action offers breast cancer outreach and case management services to individuals in Comal County.

  • CRRC of Canyon Lake

    Durable Medical EquipmentJob CounselingHungerCrisis AssistanceRecreation

    The CRRC serves the Canyon Lake area with an emergency food pantry, Meals on Wheels, financial crisis assistance, medical equipment loans, job counseling, thrift store and recreation center.

  • Friends of Christus Santa Rosa

    Community Support

    The Friends Foundation provides financial support for Christus Santa Rosa Hospital programs. Their primary goal is to expand access to care to underserved adults and families in Bexar, Comal and surrounding counties.

  • Hope Hospice

    Specialty Health CareCounseling/Therapy

    Hope Hospice provides excellence in care, comfort and education to all affected by life-limiting illness, grief and loss. Hope Hospice provides compassionate, personalized end of life care and counseling services to help those affected by grief & loss.

  • Kinetic Kids, Inc.

    Disability SupportRecreation

    Kinetic Kids provides unique experiences in Bexar and Comal Counties through physical and creative activities in a supportive environment for children with special needs who may otherwise be excluded.

  • NBCM- Volunteers In Medicine

    Dental CareHealth Clinic

    Volunteers in Medicine works together with patients, volunteers, and community partners to affirm God-given value and multiply possibilities. Staff & volunteers provide quality medical and dental care at no charge to local uninsured patients. Together we are greater than disease, diagnosis, and circumstance.

  • Project MEND

    Durable Medical Equipment

    Project MEND is committed to improving the quality of life for individuals living with disabilities and illness through the refurbishment, reuse and distribution of medical equipment and other assistive technology.

  • SA Lighthouse for the Blind

    Disability Support

    The SA Lighthouse for the Blind serves people who are blind or visually impaired to help create individual independence by providing rehabilitation programs and employment opportunities that measurably improve the lives of blind and visually impaired individuals. The SA Lighthouse for the Blind offers career support, education and training, and specialized services for children and seniors.

  • Texas Ramp Project

    Disability Support

    Texas Ramp constructs free wheelchair ramps for elderly and disabled Texans in Comal County who cannot otherwise afford them.

  • Basic Needs

  • Bulverde Senior Center

    Meals On WheelsSenior Activities

    The Bulverde Spring Branch Activity Center (BSBAC) facilitates active aging and enhances the quality of life for older adults in our communities. BSBAC provides Meals on Wheels, congregate meals, fitness classes, social activities, educational seminars, and a Senior Outreach Services Program.

  • CC Senior Citizens Fdn.

    Meals On WheelsSenior Activities

    The Comal County Senior Citizens’ Foundation enriches the lives of aging adults in New Braunfels and Comal County. The Center offers Meals on Wheels, congregate meals, fitness classes, social activities, and educational programs.

  • Communities in Schools

    Case ManagementYouth MentoringCounseling/Therapy

    The mission of Communities In Schools of South Central Texas (CIS) is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. CIS offers students opportunities to participate in drop-out prevention, college readiness, and mentoring programs. CIS also offers the Youth Mental Health First Aid and Signs of Suicide programs in order to address the mental health needs of youth. All CIS services and programs support the goal of providing safe and healthy environments for students both at school and at home for the good of our community.

  • Life SkillsJob CounselingEmergency ShelterCrisis AssistanceParent EducationCounseling/Therapy

    Connections offers counseling and prevention education services for youth, adults, and families, a crisis hotline and referral services, and substance abuse prevention services. Connections also provides short-term residential services for runaway, abused or neglected, homeless, and at-risk youth.

  • Crisis Center of Comal County

    Emergency ShelterCase Management

    The Crisis Center of Comal County provides crisis and prevention services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The agency provides a 24-hour emergency shelter, court accompaniment, case management, counseling, children’s program, and legal advocacy to men, women, and children who are victims of domestic violence (DV) and/or sexual assault (SA).

  • CRRC of Canyon Lake

    Durable Medical EquipmentJob CounselingHungerCrisis AssistanceRecreation

    The CRRC serves the Canyon Lake area with an emergency food pantry, Meals on Wheels, financial crisis assistance, medical equipment loans, job counseling, thrift store and recreation center.

  • Family Life Center

    Crisis AssistanceCase Management

    The Family Life Center connects under-resourced and/or unemployed residents to a network of assistance programs in the community. The center can assist with rent/utility assistance, food assistance, short-term prescriptions, fuel cards, budgeting, and clothing.

  • Family Promise of Greater NB

    HousingCase Management

    Family Promise helps homeless and low-income families achieve and sustain safe housing, gainful employment, and independence. Family Promise provides education and training designed to assist families in achieving the goal of stable and sustainable housing, moving them permanently out of homelessness.

  • Goodwill Industries

    Job Counseling

    Goodwill helps change lives through the power of work. Goodwill offers job preparation, placement, retention, and advancement services and operates a community thrift shop.

  • Habitat for Humanity


    Comal County Habitat for Humanity seeks to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope. Habitat offers home ownership opportunities to families through the Home Building Program, a Home Repair Program which provides affordable home repairs on homes owned and occupied by people of limited income and operates the ReStore, a discount home improvement store.

  • Helping Hands Food Pantry


    The mission of the Helping Hands Food Pantry is to create access to good, healthy food to those in need in our community and surrounding areas. Helping Hands operates a client choice food pantry for residents in the Spring Branch area.

  • NB Housing Partners


    NB Housing Partners supports affordable, accessible housing opportunities for residents of New Braunfels experiencing housing instability.

  • New Braunfels Food Bank

    Job CounselingHunger

    The mission of the New Braunfels Food Bank (NBFB) is to fight hunger in Southwest Texas through food distribution, programs, education, and advocacy. The NBFB serves the community with food, job, and government benefits assistance. They also offer nutrition, health, and wellness programs for children, seniors, and pets.

  • Provisions: A 25:35 Outreach


    Provisions assists individuals and families who are struggling to meet the basic needs of day-to-day living and to improve their quality of life through assistance with food, clothing, toiletries, and limited financial aid as well as referrals to other supporting agencies. Provisions operates a client- choice food pantry that serves the Bulverde area.

  • Salvation Army Service Center

    Crisis AssistanceLife SkillsDisaster Relief

    The Salvation Army is a Christian organization committed to Doing The Most Good in the community. The Salvation Army provides social services, crisis assistance, financial assistance for living expenses, and disaster relief to residents of NB and Comal County. They also offer life skills/self sufficiency classes for children and adults.

  • SJRC-Texas

    Emergency ShelterAdoption and Foster Care ServicesParent Education

    SJRC offers healing and hope to children and families affected by abuse, abandonment or neglect. SJRC provides emergency placement, therapeutic residential care, community foster care, pregnant and parenting teen services, Parents as Teachers Program, and adoption services.

  • SOS Food Bank


    The SOS Food Bank is committed to fighting hunger in New Braunfels through emergency issues and monthly food allotments to needy families.

  • Life SkillsCase Management

    STEPS helps individuals and families who are ready to make changes to achieve a greater life through life coaching, community referrals, and life skills training.

  • Steve’s Pantry (Gruene United Methodist Church)


    Steve’s Pantry provides homeless and needy individuals with emergency food, pet food, clothing, laundry, and showers. They also offer services of case management, health education, an on-site registered nurse and community resource referrals.

  • Community Enrichment

  • Brauntex Theatre

    Arts & Culture

    The Brauntex Performing Arts Theatre will continually provide excellent cultural and entertainment experiences. The Brauntex is home to ArtReach, a youth theater program, and the 50+ Theatre Troupe.

  • Bulverde Senior Center

    Meals On WheelsSenior Activities

    The Bulverde Spring Branch Activity Center (BSBAC) facilitates active aging and enhances the quality of life for older adults in our communities. BSBAC provides Meals on Wheels, congregate meals, fitness classes, social activities, educational seminars, and a Senior Outreach Services Program.

  • Callen Hughes Foundation

    Disability SupportRecreation

    The Callen Hugh’s Foundation is dedicated to helping children with cognitive and/or physical disabilities to have the opportunity to have fun in a recreational environment.  The Foundation is working towards the development of an all-abilities park.

  • CC Senior Citizens Fdn.

    Meals On WheelsSenior Activities

    The Comal County Senior Citizens’ Foundation enriches the lives of aging adults in New Braunfels and Comal County. The Center offers Meals on Wheels, congregate meals, fitness classes, social activities, and educational programs.

  • Central Texas Dispute Resolution

    Community Services

    Central Texas Dispute Resolution provides low-cost mediation and conflict resolution services and relevant training in Hays, Comal, Guadalupe, and Caldwell Counties.

  • Circle Arts Theatre

    Arts & Culture

    The mission of Circle Arts Theatre is to entertain, educate, and inspire our community through exceptional theatre arts. The Circle Arts Theatre offers stage plays and musicals, an after-school kids program, a summer youth program, and a youth touring company.

  • City of New Braunfels CERT

    Community Services

    New Braunfels CERT is a community-based emergency preparedness organization.CERT members receive special training to enhance their ability to support the City Office of Emergency Management, city first responders and all other city departments during emergency/disaster events. New Braunfels CERT assists with emergency/disaster response, search and rescue efforts, shelter coordination, community training, and first aid service for community events.

  • Comal Trails Alliance

    Preservation And Environment

    The Comal Trails Alliance is dedicated to creating a system of trails connecting communities and providing opportunities for education, health, and enjoyment of the natural resources located within Comal County.

  • CRRC of Canyon Lake

    Durable Medical EquipmentJob CounselingHungerCrisis AssistanceRecreation

    The CRRC serves the Canyon Lake area with an emergency food pantry, Meals on Wheels, financial crisis assistance, medical equipment loans, job counseling, thrift store and recreation center.

  • Friends of Landa Park

    Preservation And Environment

    The Friends of Landa Park serves as an advocate for the preservation of Landa Park with the goal of returning the park to its former grandeur as the Beauty Spot of Texas.

  • Friends of the Bulverde Area Rural Library Dist.

    Community Support

    The Foundation supports the Bulverde Area Library District through financial support thereby enhancing the community’s appreciation and utilization of the Library District’s library(s) as cultural and educational institutions.

  • Friends of the NB Public Library

    Community Support

    Friends of the New Braunfels Public Library is dedicated to providing support to the public library primarily through volunteer participation in the Friends Bookstore and used book sales to raise funds for the library. Donations to the Friends are used for our library to provide enhanced programming and resources for all ages.

  • Gorge Preservation Society

    Preservation And Environment

    The Gorge Preservation Society is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the enjoyment and conservation of a unique natural phenomenon by encouraging responsible, quality access opportunities through academic partnerships, economic initiatives and citizen involvement.

  • Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance

    Preservation And Environment

    The GEAA promotes effective broad-based grassroots advocacy for aquifer protection throughout the 21 county Edwards Aquifer region.

  • Heritage Museum-TX Hill Cntry

    Arts & Culture

    The Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country is dedicated to encouraging and fostering awareness of the natural and cultural history of Comal County and the Texas Hill Country through collection, preservation and interpretation of its rich history.

  • Kinetic Kids, Inc.

    Disability SupportRecreation

    Kinetic Kids provides unique experiences in Bexar and Comal Counties through physical and creative activities in a supportive environment for children with special needs who may otherwise be excluded.

  • Mid-Texas Symphony

    Arts & Culture

    The Mid-Texas Symphony Society fosters, promotes and increases the musical knowledge and appreciation of the public, including students, through educational activities. The Mid-Texas Symphony provides symphony orchestral concerts and children’s concerts.

  • NB Citizens Police Academy

    Community Services

    The Citizens Police Academy is a unique learning experience conducted by the Police Department and designed to give citizens a better understanding of the operation and mission of their local Police Department.

  • NB Community Foundation

    Community Support

    The New Braunfels Community Foundation connects people who care with causes that matter for the enduring benefit of our community.

  • NB Parks Fdn- JAWS Skatepark

    Community Services

    The New Braunfels Parks Foundation is an all-volunteer organization designed to work with the Parks and Recreation Department and the community to financially help our city create the best parks possible. The New Braunfels Parks Foundation hosts community events and education opportunities throughout the year.

  • NB Public Library Foundation

    Community Support

    The NB Public Library Foundation works to secure private funding to enhance library services and provide books and other learning resources for the New Braunfels Public Library

  • New Braunfels Conservation Society

    Arts & Culture

    The New Braunfels Conservation Society works to preserve the history of New Braunfels and Comal County for present and future generations. Visitors are invited to “Step Back in Time” and experience the craftsmanship, daily life and traditions of old New Braunfels at Conservation Plaza.

  • Nonprofit Council

    Community Support

    The Nonprofit Council is a membership organization comprised of nonprofit professionals and for-profit businesses in South Central Texas. The Nonprofit Council supports, connects and strengthens the leadership of nonprofit organizations through advocacy, training, and resource sharing. They also coordinate the Big Give SA online giving event.

  • Sophienburg

    Arts & Culture

    Preserves and inspires an interest in the history and culture of the New Braunfels area and promote the community’s rich historical legacy.

  • Spring Branch Tennis Center


    The Spring Branch Tennis Center provides the opportunity for quality, affordable tennis for all levels of play in the Spring Branch Community.

  • Education

  • BCFS-Head Start

    Early Childhood Education

    BCFS Education Services provides comprehensive early childhood education and family support services to disadvantaged families in NBISD.

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters

    Youth Mentoring

    Big Brothers Big Sisters provides children facing adversity in Comal County with professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.

  • Canine Classmates

    Literacy/Reading Programs

    Canine Classmates works to encourage and improve literacy skills for struggling and at-risk pre-K through 5th grade students in CISD through pairing mentors and trained service dogs in a one-on-one program that is positive, nurturing and motivational.

  • Communities in Schools

    Case ManagementYouth MentoringCounseling/Therapy

    The mission of Communities In Schools of South Central Texas (CIS) is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. CIS offers students opportunities to participate in drop-out prevention, college readiness, and mentoring programs. CIS also offers the Youth Mental Health First Aid and Signs of Suicide programs in order to address the mental health needs of youth. All CIS services and programs support the goal of providing safe and healthy environments for students both at school and at home for the good of our community.

  • Howard Payne University

    Higher Education

    Howard Payne University’s New Braunfels Center offers several undergraduate and graduate degree programs, as well as dual-credit courses for high school students.

  • NBCM- Kids Club

    After-School ProgramYouth Mentoring

    Kids Club partners with local schools, volunteers and families to affirm God-given value and multiply possibilities together. Kids Club creates a fun, engaging environment where kids thrive through positive relationships with caring adults. Kids grow academically, expand life skills and develop Godly character.

  • Young Life

    Youth Mentoring

    Young Life is a Christian ministry that reaches out to middle, high school, and college students and strives to build personal relationships and develop healthy attitudes while providing experiences that are fun and life changing, while helping them grow in their faith.

  • Family Relationships

  • Bulverde Senior Center

    Meals On WheelsSenior Activities

    The Bulverde Spring Branch Activity Center (BSBAC) facilitates active aging and enhances the quality of life for older adults in our communities. BSBAC provides Meals on Wheels, congregate meals, fitness classes, social activities, educational seminars, and a Senior Outreach Services Program.

  • CASA of Central Texas

    Child Abuse ServicesChild Advocacy

    CASA of Central Texas recruits, trains and supports volunteer advocates to speak on behalf of abused and neglected children in State protective care. Advocates represent the child in the courts, schools, and child welfare system to ensure the child’s needs are met and the cases are resolved in the child’s best interest.

  • CC Senior Citizens Fdn.

    Meals On WheelsSenior Activities

    The Comal County Senior Citizens’ Foundation enriches the lives of aging adults in New Braunfels and Comal County. The Center offers Meals on Wheels, congregate meals, fitness classes, social activities, and educational programs.

  • Children’s Advocacy Center

    Child Abuse ServicesCounseling/Therapy

    The Children’s Advocacy Center provides a neutral, child-friendly agency to the community that facilitates a multidisciplinary approach in the prevention, detection, investigation, and treatment of child abuse. The Children’s Advocacy Center also offers counseling and a child abuse prevention program.

  • Chosen

    Parent EducationAdoption and Foster Care Services

    Chosen’s mission is to support permanent, loving and safe environments for foster and orphaned children. Chosen offers mentoring services and parent education for foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers. Chosen also provides trauma informed care trainings.

  • Life SkillsJob CounselingEmergency ShelterCrisis AssistanceParent EducationCounseling/Therapy

    Connections offers counseling and prevention education services for youth, adults, and families, a crisis hotline and referral services, and substance abuse prevention services. Connections also provides short-term residential services for runaway, abused or neglected, homeless, and at-risk youth.

  • Options for Life

    Parent EducationAdoption and Foster Care ServicesCrisis Pregnancy Services

    Options for Life is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to educating and encouraging people to choose life, to make positive sexual choices and to bring healing to those affected by abortion. Options for Life provides a crisis pregnancy center, parenting classes, adoption referral services, a car seat program, and pregnancy and/or STI testing.

  • SJRC-Texas

    Emergency ShelterAdoption and Foster Care ServicesParent Education

    SJRC offers healing and hope to children and families affected by abuse, abandonment or neglect. SJRC provides emergency placement, therapeutic residential care, community foster care, pregnant and parenting teen services, Parents as Teachers Program, and adoption services.

  • The Gabriel Project

    Crisis Pregnancy Services

    The Gabriel Project of New Braunfels is a pro-life ministry that provides crisis pregnancy services. The Gabriel Project offers emotional support, assistance with material needs, and referrals to community resources to any woman in a crisis pregnancy.

  • Mental Health

  • 24 Hour Club

    Counseling/TherapySubstance Misuse

    Provides a safe and clean facility for the exclusive use of Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon and any other 12 Step program as approved by the 24 Hour Club Board of Directors.

  • Children’s Advocacy Center

    Child Abuse ServicesCounseling/Therapy

    The Children’s Advocacy Center provides a neutral, child-friendly agency to the community that facilitates a multidisciplinary approach in the prevention, detection, investigation, and treatment of child abuse. The Children’s Advocacy Center also offers counseling and a child abuse prevention program.

  • Communities in Schools

    Case ManagementYouth MentoringCounseling/Therapy

    The mission of Communities In Schools of South Central Texas (CIS) is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. CIS offers students opportunities to participate in drop-out prevention, college readiness, and mentoring programs. CIS also offers the Youth Mental Health First Aid and Signs of Suicide programs in order to address the mental health needs of youth. All CIS services and programs support the goal of providing safe and healthy environments for students both at school and at home for the good of our community.

  • Life SkillsJob CounselingEmergency ShelterCrisis AssistanceParent EducationCounseling/Therapy

    Connections offers counseling and prevention education services for youth, adults, and families, a crisis hotline and referral services, and substance abuse prevention services. Connections also provides short-term residential services for runaway, abused or neglected, homeless, and at-risk youth.

  • Hill Country Hope 4 Health

    Mental/Behavioral Health Referrals/Resources

    A collaboration of mental health professionals, community leaders and churches working to: increase education and awareness of mental health issues, share resources, reduce stigma, remove barriers, aid in early detection and develop support groups for all affected by mental health issues. Hill Country Hope 4 Health provides a resource list for individuals looking for mental health services.

  • Hill Country MHDD

    Counseling/TherapyMental/Behavioral Emergency Care

    Promoting independence, community integration, and recovery. Hill Country MHDD is a nonprofit entity that provides community mental health services in Comal County. Hill Country MHDD is the Mental Health Authority designated by the State of Texas for the region. Hill Country MHDD provides services for community mental health, veterans, developmental disabilities, substance misuse, and a mobile crisis outreach team to respond to mental health emergency situations. They also allow access to private rooms for veterans to take Zoom appointments. Local transportation can be provided for appointments.

  • Hope Hospice

    Specialty Health CareCounseling/Therapy

    Hope Hospice provides excellence in care, comfort and education to all affected by life-limiting illness, grief and loss. Hope Hospice provides compassionate, personalized end of life care and counseling services to help those affected by grief & loss.

  • MAP NB

    Mental/Behavioral Health Referrals/Resources

    The purpose of MAPNB (Mental Advocacy Partners – New Braunfels) is to provide hope, as well as information on mental health in New Braunfels. We will make it easy to make an informed decision about finding assistance from a local organization that is standing by to help you.

  • Meadows MHPI

    Mental/Behavioral Health Referrals/Resources

    The Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute provides high quality, nonpartisan and objective policy research and program guidance that creates systemic changes so all Texans can obtain effective, efficient behavioral health care when and where they need it.

  • NBCM-Oakwood Counseling

    Mental/Behavioral Emergency Care

    Oakwood Counseling provides Christian based counseling services from licensed contract counseling staff. Services are offered to children, adolescents, and adults through individual, marital, and/or family counseling.

  • RecoveryWerks!

    Counseling/TherapySubstance Misuse

    RecoveryWerks helps teens and families heal from the affects of substance use disorder. RecoveryWerks offers recovery support services for teens and families in a safe and nurturing environment.

  • River City Advocacy, Inc.


    River City Advocacy is a community mental health nonprofit in New Braunfels, Texas that provides affordable mental health services to residents of New Braunfels and Comal County. River City Advocacy offers Reduced-rate individual, couples & family counseling, free & reduced-rate veterans counseling, support groups, life skills workshops, art & creative expression programs, and peer program activities.

McKenna actively provides services to enhance the health and well-being of the greater New Braunfels community, serving as a partner and resource to others who share our goals — now and for future generations.


801 W. San Antonio St. New Braunfels, TX 78130
(830) 606-9500
8:30am – 4:30pm M-F

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© McKenna Foundation