The Big Give: McKenna Foundation offers Match Minutes of up to $5,000
Note: This is the final of three articles aimed at raising awareness around the impact, importance, and struggles of nonprofits in the lead-up to The Big Give on September 18-19, 2024.
The 24-hour online giving day is nearly here. The annual Big Give event, which showcases and celebrates the enormous impact of personal philanthropy, will observe its eleventh anniversary from 6:00 p.m. on September 18 to 6:00 p.m. on September 19. Early donations are now open.
As our neighbors contribute to their chosen organizations and causes, gifts of $5, $10, or more can collectively raise millions. Since its inception, The Big Give has amassed over $45 million for nonprofits across South Central Texas, all thanks to the generosity of more than 262,000 donors.
This year, the McKenna Foundation will offer Match Minutes between 8:11 am and 8:16 am on September 19. Any online donation of up to $100 made within that timeframe will be matched dollar for dollar. The matching pool is set at $5,000.
Click here to donate or to learn more.
In the wake of the pandemic, nonprofit organizations have experienced a decline in donations; faced with additional obstacles brought by inflation and presidential election years. The Big Give offers a chance to support these organizations and counteract this trend.
Individual giving remains the predominant form of philanthropy in the U.S., accounting for over 62% of all donations, totaling $374.4 billion in 2023, according to Giving USA. Nonprofit organizations also reinvest in the local economy, often more than for-profit organizations. In 2022, for example, nonprofits reinvested $68 million into our local economy.
Overall, nonprofit organizations signify a dedication to a better society; a socially and economically enhanced community. Despite the decline in charitable giving and philanthropy, they continue to push forward, allocating every last resource to the well-being of our community.
Now is your opportunity to contribute to a brighter future and counteract a trend that greatly impacts the lifeline of nonprofits. With more than 400 outstanding nonprofits to choose from, the choice is yours to determine where you want to make an impact. Your donation will be utilized effectively and in various ways, will benefit you in return.
Unsure where to begin? We suggest supporting our partners, all local to Comal County, who support our community and reinvest in our local economy.
Those eligible for the McKenna Foundation Match Minutes include: Any Baby Can, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Comal and Guadalupe Counties, 1HOPE for Kids, Project MEND, Kinetic Kids, RCBC Helping Hands Food Pantry, Friends of New Braunfels Public Library, Connections, EdenHill Communities, CASA of Central Texas, New Braunfels Christian Ministries, Comal County Habitat for Humanity, Hope Hospice, Rock Haus Foundation, Comal County Senior Citizens Foundation, and Family Promise of Greater New Braunfels, Family Life Center, CRRC of Canyon Lake, Canine Classmates, Bulverde Spring Branch Activity Center, SJRC Texas, Headwaters at the Comal, RecoveryWerks!, Chosen Care, The Salvation Army New Braunfels, New Braunfels Youth Collaborative, River City Advocacy, STEPS, Communities in Schools, NB Housing Partners, and Steve’s Pantry.
Donate here. The Foundation recommends filling out the donation form a minute or two before the start of the Match Minute window so that when time hits, donors can submit and have the best chances of being matched.