Your voice matters: McKenna Foundation invites public input on community needs assessment survey
UPDATE: The deadline for participating in the survey has been extended to Feb. 23.
January 26, 2024: The McKenna Foundation invites the public to share their views on the needs of New Braunfels and Comal County by participating in a community needs assessment survey.
Public input on the eight-item survey will help the Foundation shape future investments in area nonprofit organizations for the community’s benefit.
The items cover public transportation, child abuse and neglect, housing programs, mental health, and child care, and the participants are asked to rate their importance and satisfaction levels.
“We began our journey as the McKenna Foundation as students of the community, which is a role that will never change,” said McKenna Foundation CEO Alice Jewell. “How best to invest resources needs to be informed from multiple perspectives, so we make an impact on the community’s biggest needs.”
To participate in the survey, go to www.mckenna.org and click on “2024 Community Needs Survey.” The survey is available for public input until Feb. 16.
The Foundation conducted a similar survey in 2018. Participation in the survey is anonymous. For any inquiries about the study or its purpose, email the Foundation at grants@mckenna.org.