Thank you, pet supply drive donors, for choosing kindness

Throughout March, community members have come together to spread kindness by donating items to the McKenna Pets Supplies Drive.

Thank you, Todd and Deb, for choosing kindness

As ambassadors for FMSC, Todd and Deb are spearheading a MobilePack event on October 9-11, 2025 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in New Braunfels.

Thank you, Carol, for choosing kindness

In an inspiring act of kindness, local author Carol Folbre donated $10,000 to NBISD’s Maria’s Closet.

Thank you, Smithson Valley Middle School, for choosing kindness

Smithson Valley Middle School reminds us to keep the spirit of kindness alive!

Thank you, Pantry Angels, for choosing kindness

Peace Lutheran Church little pantry is maintained completely with generous donations from the members.

Thank you, New Braunfels Middle School, for choosing kindness

Students shared positivity by writing heartfelt notes and took on the challenge of completing a Kindness Bingo card!

Thank you, volunteers of the Family Life Center Food Distribution and Tree of Life Church, for choosing kindness

Volunteers help with the food distribution process and walk the parking lot with signs that say, “Do you want prayer?” or “We’re praying for you”!

Thank you Danville Middle School, for Choosing Kindness

Students participated in activities like “Kindness in Action” and “Random Acts of Kindness.”

Thank you RecoveryWerks!, for Choosing Kindness

Kindness plays a crucial role in recovery and it’s an integral part of the culture at RecoveryWerks!.

McKenna actively provides services to enhance the health and well-being of the greater New Braunfels community, serving as a partner and resource to others who share our goals — now and for future generations.


801 W. San Antonio St. New Braunfels, TX 78130
(830) 606-9500
8:30am – 4:30pm M-F

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